Late Red Radicchio
Late Red Radicchio, also known as the “Winter Flower,” is considered the “king of radicchios” due to its superior quality and long growing process that includes bleaching in running water. Harvested after the first winter frosts, this chicory offers a bittersweet flavor and irresistible crunchiness. Ideal for gourmet dishes, Red Radicchio Tardivo PGI is an excellent choice for those who want a prized and versatile vegetable.
Seasonality for Late Red Radicchio
Nutrition properties
Vitamin K
We distribute the various products in different ways and with the following packaging:
CPR-IFCO Agreed Circuits with Large Retailers
Branded packaging
Plastic or Neutral Cardboard Packaging
Curiosities and matches for Late Red Radicchio
Late Red Radicchio is renowned for its unique cultivation technique, which dates back to the 19th century. After harvesting, the heads are tied and placed in running water for several weeks, giving the chicory its characteristic flavor and texture. It pairs beautifully with speck, gorgonzola and honey, creating a harmonious contrast of flavors. It is also delicious caramelized with sugar and balsamic vinegar, served as a fine side dish. Add it to a pizza with prosciutto and mozzarella for a touch of elegance.